Thursday 7 November 2013

A late afternoon stroll

Went down to sit on a bench at the rocks today - after all, why live here if you don't do that? A minor cold front has passed over Cape Town for the last few days and now the sea has caught up with the clouds - as I sat there, the swells rose visibly as they thundered in from the Atlantic and in no time at all the air was filled with the deafening roar generated by crashing waves. I would imagine that the roar of an approaching tsunami would alert anyone to it long before they could see it. It must be enough to strike terror in any heart.

After enjoying the ozone for a while, the noise actually became almost painful to the ear (I know, it doesn't seem right) and I retreated back to the relatively muffled comfort of home a short distance away. The local guinea fowl pair came rushing out from under the hedge to greet me, knowing that it was dinner time, and a large flock of doves and pigeons swooped down from the dying gum tree and the rooftops. Less than a week ago, there were five young guinea fowl, but I have seen no sign of them for a while now and you may be sure that either the crows or the black cat from next door has got them. The cat lurks in the shadow of the fence and so the birds are easy prey as they peck away at an assortment of mixed grains that I put out for them every day. I should squirt it with the hose - that will sort it out, if only for a little while!

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