Thursday 24 October 2013

Early morning

As I lie here in bed just before sunrise, a tiny sunbird alights on the topmost twig of the bougainvillea outside the window and tweets joyfully as it greets the day. A flurry in the branches reveals her colourful, iridescent mate and they flit off together to start another day's nectar-gathering. A boubou calls out half a song on the fence and in the old spider gum just beyond, a male dove relentlessly courts a female who seems to be a reluctant bride, flapping just out of reach from branch to branch before taking flight. He pursues her, not put off in the least.

Gulls are starting to wheel in the sky over the bay where, through the ancient milkwoods, I can see the first sunlight reflecting off the breakers, tingeing the pure white surf with golden light. A small flock of sacred ibis passes silently overhead.

Out to sea, a fishing boat ploughs through the swell, creating a bow wave of spray that reaches halfway down its length. It's in a hurry to get to the fishing grounds. Here's hoping the sea gives up some of its abundance today to put food on tables.

Although the surface of the sea was smooth when I started writing this, already the south-easterly wind which prevails here in summer has picked up with the rising of the sun and white horses are galloping away towards the horizon.

It promises to be a beautiful day.

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