Thursday 31 October 2013

A mixed bag of mumblings

The patient woke up feeling poorly - now there's a surprise! After having two difficult extractions and two easier ones, one half of her face looks like a hamster with a winter's supply of food in the cheek and the other side is quite normal. Although the post-op instruction sheet mentions eating soft foods and rinsing your mouth with salt and bicarb after eating, there's no mention of what to do if you just vomit it all up again. The antibiotics and painkillers are supposed to be taken after meals. So far there have been no meals, not much to drink and no watching TV due to nausea. Why did no one mention that aspect? Luckily I'm here to wait on her hand and foot if needed, so it's no problem to be bedridden and especially in view of the absolutely foul weather we are experiencing on this last day of October. Still in winter clothes!

The garden is benefiting from the extra-long rainy season, so I'm not complaining about that aspect (sorry, Robin, if I'm still worrying about the weather!) and it seems as though we are living in England, with everyone's obsession with discussing the weather every time they meet. With the other subjects available to talk about being related to politics and crime, you can't blame us for choosing the weather!

While I'm sitting here typing this blog, I'm watching All Time Hits on VH1. Playing at the moment is Take My Breath Away (Top Gun sountrack). I bet there's no one out there who doesn't get taken back in time by that one - a young Tom Cruise before the media stripped away any romantic illusions we all used to have about movie stars. Simple days of yore.

Now it's The Byrds singing Turn, Turn, Turn. This song from the 60s represents a great deal of my philosophy on life - to every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under Heaven. If we can accept everything that comes into our lives as being the thing that we need at that moment, even if it is not apparent at the time, we are able to deal with the bad times so much better, knowing that without bad times we cannot appreciate good times. A very basic tenet that can contribute to great peace of mind.

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