Tuesday 20 November 2012

Summer rain

It rained in Kommetjie today. Not the sharp needles of biting cold that slash us in winter, when you dash from doorway to car and car to doorway if you really have to go out in it. No, this is the gentle rain of a summer's day that has forgotten that the wind blows hard over the Peninsula and just drifts in from the west, bringing moisture from the ocean to give you a break from watering the garden. It's the gentle rain that you can lift your face up to and receive as a blessing from the heavens, bathing you in pure water that hasn't had chlorine added to it. I bet the pH balance is just right too.

I recall summer school holidays when it rained like this and we would splash along barefoot in the puddles, the road warm from the sun and the water the same temperature as the air. There is a certain smell that accompanies warm rain and if I could, I would describe it. But words haven't been invented for the taste of warm rain or the way it feels as it touches your bare skin. It's purely sensory, and if you haven't experienced it, go outside and receive a free hydration therapy from nature. Don't worry about your hair curling or going straight. It will also enjoy the bath.

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