Friday 30 November 2012

Daybreak ditherings

Woke up this morning at 4 o'clock with the wind bashing the branches of a tree against the house. It's a wooden house on stilts, so being hit by the soft upper branches creates quite a racket as they scrape and whip against the gutters and window. Leaves have blown in through the open windows, even though it's just a couple of inches and in the light of day I will find the garden littered with twigs and leaves for raking up. I think it's time to get the men of the household up a ladder and cut back the trees that are growing too close to the house.

Can't get back to sleep, as the sky is getting light already and believe it or not, a hadedah is squawking outside, so even the birds are up and about.

Two days ago, a pair of rock pigeon fledglings lost their nest to the wind and have taken up residence on the lintel above my front door - you can only imagine what a mess that is making. They are not at all frightened of our comings and goings and just sit there all day. The mother flies in from time to time and feeds them, although they can fly and are fully feathered. It seems a bit odd, but maybe they are traumatised by the loss of their home. If they don't go soon I will have to put down a litter tray for them. If it's not the cats (RIP), it's birds. It seems that the animal kingdom rules at this house.

A third day of galeforce winds is now here - this weekend is the inauguration of Table Mountain as one of the new Wonders of the World. It seems unlikely that the cable car will be running so that could put a damper on things and as it will be covered with its famous tablecloth, we may not even be able to see it on its special day! Never mind, we've always regarded it as a wonder of the world anyway. What's in a name?

If it weren't for the clouds, the sun would be nearly up. After all this brain exercise, I think I might take 40 winks after all.

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