Saturday 28 March 2020

Living with Lockdown - 3

Another beautiful day with cloud to cool us, although no rain yet. We may see a few drops over the weekend, and surprisingly there is a forecast of 40mm for next weekend, so hold thumbs! The birds are revelling in the quietness - nobody even seems to be outside in their gardens, although admittedly we are the only ones with plenty of space to roam and exercise the dogs. We are on a plot and a half which makes a huge difference to the garden space, particularly when the house is small and the garages are underneath.
Apart from a couple of boys playing frisbee in the road, briefly, all was quiet. On the food front, I would say we are starting off with the 'payday Salticrax' and leaving the tinned food for the 'end-of-the-month Salticrax'. Despite being allowed to shop for essentials, I am reluctant to be out there and will leave it as long as possible; the local shop is only 100m away so don't have to travel far!
A concern (among the myriad) is lack of exercise, as I'm sure the other members of our hiking groups will agree. We generally do around 12 to 15km per week which is no slouch, and unless the food intake is adjusted accordingly, some of us will be looking somewhat rotund on our return to the mountains! The allocation of household duties has still to be enforced by me, as I find it easier to just get up early as usual and do most before anyone else is up, but that will be wearing thin soon and I can only imagine the answer will be to not do anything for anyone any more! This is, after all, supposed to be my year of saying No. The intention was to get a grip on some self-discipline and finish writing books and paintings started long ago, and having three weeks or more of Sundays is not going to progress my goals in any way. But I will prevail.
I finished a small painting, one of my favourite subjects, the sea.

We ended the day round a fire, cooking a curry potjie, and listening to music to bring a bit of life into the neighbourhood.  So grateful for space outdoors at this time.
As this is only Day 2, the reality of the dire straits (coincidentally the music we were playing) the world is in and particularly our country has still to set in, and maintaining contact with friends and family will be of utmost importance. As I said before, a New Earth is coming and it might very well be better than what we were doing to the old one.

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