Saturday 7 March 2020

Daily antics

Baboons continue their daily raids in the neighbourhood. There seems to be an established pattern, as they move from place to place starting with the local restaurants and reaching us later in the day. You would think they would be completely full by 3pm, but the lure of the always open doors of the neighbours and plentiful supply of available food (currently enjoying a pocket of potatoes) is obviously going to teach them where to go for easy pickings and a full tummy before bedtime. 
Since our slightly traumatic experience with a large male a few weeks back, the troop appears to be satisfied that there will be no food to be found on my balcony, in my garden or compost heap, and the last of the granadillas have been harvested by them even though they were green.
I have sent out a vibrational message (as I do with other things in life) requesting that they stay away from my garden, and it has been interesting to watch them walk along the perimeter, darting into the neighbouring properties for snacks. It seems to have worked - this vibe - and they have passed through quietly a few times without incident. This doesn't mean we don't have to live like prisoners - all doors and windows are firmly shut at peak visiting hour, and the excessive heat of the last few weeks has made this pretty unbearable - but things are much calmer now. 
If the neighbour would apply some common sense, their visits would be much more infrequent, as these highly intelligent animals can also learn where food is not easily found. One lives in hope.

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