Wednesday 25 March 2020


The baboon situation is filled with conflicting emotions - pleasure when they amble quietly through the garden on their way to a more exciting place, laughter when the babies rough and tumble on the roof, anger when they pull the plants out of the pots and break branches or downpipes and fear when they show aggression, particularly towards your animals. But they also suffer these emotions and it is clear that they are stressed when the baboon monitors arrive to move them on with paintball guns and loud bangs. This causes them to sometimes run backwards and forwards in a panic and cause even more chaos as they don't know which direction to take, but once they calm down again, they seem to have adopted an attitude of, okay, that didn't actually hurt us so we'll take no notice.
Today was no exception as the largest group of the troop arrived at their personal playground (next door is preferred, then us) and gained access to food by breaking a bathroom window (not mine). Munching ensued and some gambolling on the roof, with a bite or two at the wi-fi cable, and all was peaceful. Then human interaction disturbed their reverie and all hell broke loose for about half an hour. We suffered more damage to the exterior and then the dog shredded my curtains, so I'm not exactly thrilled about that!
When they eventually moved on, a female with a tiny baby remained, trying to gain entrance to the food source, and she is in a sad state of health, really tragic to see the two of them just in survival mode.
Quo vadis?

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