Sunday 31 March 2019

Some observations

Some observations, in no particular order:

1.  English toilet paper is so thick you can use it for a tablecloth and diners can wipe their mouths with it afterwards. In SA, you can read the newspaper through it.
2.  Cyclists also clog the roads here, but it is much worse because the country lanes are so narrow. My cousin was approaching a bunch, with another behind, when an oncoming car simply overtook the cyclists and nearly had a head-on collision. He had to slam on brakes and the cyclists behind all crashed into him, having nowhere else to go. The conflict between motorists and cyclists is worldwide.
3.  There are patches and potholes everywhere.
4.   Pheasants are very beautiful to look at, but rate with guinea fowl on the intelligence scale. Often found standing aimlessly in the middle of the road, contributing to high roadkill incidents.
5.  Bunnies abound, flashing their little cotton tails across green meadows, but also frequently found flattened. Myxomatosis still exists.
6.  Doctors' waiting rooms will remain overused as long as it is free. Rumours of cutbacks on basic medicines.
7.  Honesty boxes are all over these little villages, selling honey and eggs, with a sign giving the price and people leaving the money in the box. Definitely wouldn't work in SA.
8.  More gossiping grannies per square mile than you could imagine. A source of great hilarity mostly, but sometimes a bit much!
9.  Believe it or not, quite a bit of litter, particularly in lay byes and river banks. Disappoint to see

All in all, life is generally the same around the world.

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