Thursday 19 February 2015

Melancholic mood

I'm feeling a little melancholic at present and it's not something I am used to. It's a kind of sadness for the state of the world and how far we are from what the purpose of life is, which is to experience joy in our existence, fulfilment in what we do, kindness towards the brotherhood of man and caring for the only planet we are ever going to live on.
We are constantly bombarded with bad news from the mainstream media, all of it pertaining to the desire of some section of the population wanting to have more than another, be it money, land, oil, gold, personal power or simply to destroy through a learned belief in our separation. Too many people live lesser lives, subject to the will of others and unable to implement their own free will, simply because of what society and cultures have imposed on them.
We (the entire human population) complain about everything, from the drivers on the road, to the governments we have foolishly given power over our lives, from those who kill animals for sport or money, to those who play loud music in residential areas. From the petty to the outrageously evil. It is as if a cloud of gloom has surrounded this beautiful planet that a minority of its inhabitants is desperate to control.
We have to constantly remind ourselves that our free will reigns supreme and nobody can take that away without our permission. Life is about choice and responsibility. We can choose how we want to live and we must take responsibility for it. Nothing about this is easy, but it's a good place to start.
Spend time in silence and in nature - it will restore your soul.
Practice kindness towards others - it will restore theirs.
Educate to elevate, not dominate.
Encourage people to think for themselves.
Expect the best of yourself and others.
Rely on your inner voice.
Have a wonderful day!

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