Saturday 7 February 2015

A life on the ocean wave - Part 4

We continued our corkscrewing up the coast, past the magnificent splendour of South Africa's Wild Coast, with rivers spilling into the sea from the highlands of Lesotho through narrow headlands and sheer rock faces, interspersed with long stretches of pristine beaches. The continuous cloud cover made for mysterious landscapes of varied hues of grey and occasional flooding of sunlight through patches of cloud.

We passed uneventfully through the area where the Waratah disappeared inexplicably so long ago - I always said I would never sail along the southern coast of South Africa for this very reason, yet here I was - and the long swells were now coming at a slight angle from behind, reducing the dipping motion. 
It was only on our fourth day that blue skies favoured us, and suddenly it was like the brochures said it would be - everyone out on deck, lazing on the loungers, taking a brisk march around the open upper deck (the only place where you really experienced the 'ship' atmosphere) and generally relaxing as one should on such a cruise.

The wind remained strong, as you can see from the photo, and once the sun had disappeared behind the clouds, it wasn't long before everyone retired to the comfort of the many lounges and partook of further refreshments, which forms a large part of the day on a cruise ship!
Sadly, our trip was over too soon, and plans are afoot for a much longer one in the future.

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