Wednesday 13 August 2014

Busy Biggles and Manic Mango

I thought Mango and Biggles had passed from kittenhood to cathood, as they seemed to have stopped their night-time careering around the house, sliding on the rugs and generally causing chaos. But it must have just been the warmer weather that made them laid back and relaxed. A little rain has rejuvenated them and they are at it again in full force. Only now they are just a little bigger than a few weeks ago and becoming a force to be reckoned with.

They run through my legs as I walk, seeming to want to be everywhere I am, and they get regularly punted into the air by an unintentional kick, which appears to do them no harm even though I feel like a kitty basher. They have at least given up lying on the computer keyboard when I am working and are content to amuse themselves with sliding all my papers onto the floor instead.
Biggles thinking the pigeons can't see him!

Tonight they are playing tag and it is abundantly clear that these two siblings were just meant to stay together. I can't imagine what they would be doing without each other to play with, fight with (there is currently quite a serious bit of wrestling going on, with accompanying kitty growls) and cuddle up with. They are such a joy in this household. Even HWCFA is very attached to them and likes to have them close by, even reprimanding the love of his life (Monty) for snapping at Biggles.

I read that cats sleep for 17 to 20 hours out of every 24, but I think these two don't fit in with the statistics. The trick we are still trying to perfect is to get those sleeping hours to at least overlap with ours!

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