Saturday 23 August 2014

A morning meditation

Another beautiful day dawns in Cape Town as spring bursts forth from the earth in a new cycle of growth and abundance.  We should be reminded that nature takes no notice of what is happening in the world and simply continues the process of renewal. We too can exist in that way. Every day is an opportunity for a new beginning, and chance to change things for the better. It doesn't depend on what anyone else is doing. It all begins with you.

It doesn't matter what culture you belong to or what beliefs you follow. When it is time to shuffle off this mortal coil, we all return to the place from when we came, a place without physicality. Everyone on earth has a purpose even though many will never find it. Some are here to lead and others to follow. Some are here to destroy and others to build. We are all here to teach each other what it is we do or do not want to be. We have been given free will to make decisions for ourselves. Unless we use that free will, our purpose can never be revealed.

Stay true to yourself and your inner feelings of what is right for the world and don't be afraid to stand up and be counted. Life is beautiful and death is not to be feared. Live with joy in your heart, lead a simple life and you will be rich in all ways that matter.

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