Saturday 28 September 2013

A walk on the beach

Still no sign of the weather warming up or the heavy seas calming down. This must be the longest winter and coldest September I can remember. We used to tan at the beach in the September holidays when I was at school, so the seasons must have all shifted by a month or so.

We took the dogs down to Scarborough for a run on the beach at a little place where no-one else seems to go and we can let them off the leads for a change. Monty is a runner, meaning that once he goes, he never comes back, so we are always reluctant to let him off even when dogs are allowed to be off the leash. It must be the terrier in him. Susie always comes back when you call her, but I think that is out of fear of being left behind when we leave. She was a rescue dog and has all sorts of psychological problems despite living in the lap of luxury for the last 12 or so years. She must have had a very traumatic time with the previous owners.

There was a flock of oystercatchers on the beach, beaks to the wind, a total of eighteen. I have never seen so many gathered in one place. It is good to see that they are thriving along the coastline - beautiful birds. The beach is all sand at the moment, but sometimes it becomes a rocky shore, with smooth, small rocks and pebbles in a variety of colours, and we used to collect buckets full for the garden when they were exposed. Each bucket must have weighed 5 -7 kilograms when filled, and when you have to carry that up the mountain to get up to the road again, it sure makes the heart beat strongly! After collecting about 20 bucketloads, we decided that was enough, and the pile has lain on the bricks ever since, while we try to decide where exactly we are going to put our hard-earned haul. Things move slowly in this household and they have been there for at least three years already, so who knows how long it will be before we move them!

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