Saturday 13 April 2013

Stranger things...

Life is full of strange synchronicities. How often do you find that as you read a word in a book, you hear someone saying that very same word on the radio or TV or in conversation nearby? It happens to me all the time.

Yesterday I was making notes in my notebook (!) – as thoughts materialise, I need to write them down otherwise they will disappear into the mists of time and I will forget my writing cues. Today I was having my customary cappuccino under the milkwood tree where a group of friends gather randomly. One lady stubbed her toe on the uneven paving and hopped around in agony, as she had seriously damaged the same toe recently and it had not yet healed. Someone said she should wear safety boots. I opened my notebook and said: ‘Listen to this; I wrote this down yesterday. Safety boots, always kicking toes.’ A breeze eddied through the trees and everyone shivered.
Autumn has arrived.

The other night I was very wakeful for no particular reason and I looked at the time on my cell phone three times – they were: 3:33, 4:44 and 5:55. I got up at that stage, there being no point in waiting for 6:66.

I don’t know if these incidents are holding any special messages for me, but perhaps the general message is that we should always be listening and aware of signs, even if their meaning is not instantly apparent. We are all born with intuition, an inner knowing, and its efficacy is only limited by the extent to which we acknowledge it.  Practice using it by acting on the first thought that comes to mind in a situation. Life is like the TV game show, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? – filled with multiple choice questions. When faced with a question you don’t know the answer to, your first choice is usually the right one. If you start to think about it, you begin to doubt yourself and search your memory. You try to justify various answers and eventually pick the wrong one and lose all the money you have just won.

Today is a beautiful autumn day in Cape Town and it is Saturday. The choices are: stay at home and work in the garden; go shopping (there’s always something missing in the store cupboard) and have brunch with Mom and Dad; wash the dogs; go down to Cape Point Reserve and sit on an isolated shoreline with nothing in sight but a herd of bontebok. He Who Can Fix Anything chose number 4 without hesitation. His intuition always tells him to get away from it all, whereas mine still wants to get something useful done at the same time!

It will have to be number 2!

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