Sunday 28 April 2013

Approaching 60

Isn't it funny how times have changed? Not so many years ago, people who were 60 were regarded as pensioners, but these days it seems as though a 60-year-old has barely left her teens! Not that I am 60 yet, but getting close enough to fall into that bracket. If you look at old black and white photographs of your granny when she was sixty, she would have had grey hair, permed, a real 'granny' type dress, stockings and sensible shoes. Today you need to see someone from the front to judge their age, as all ages wear the same clothes to some extent.

Your granny would have listened to classical music, while today we listen to everything, from classical to heavy metal, the result of being children of the 60s and 70s - you never lose your nostalgia for the music of that time, your teenage years - and we can dance the night away as well as, and probably even better than the kids of today. For my birthday I was given a set of Skullcandy earphones for my iPod and was thrilled to bits - now the quality of the music will ensure that I can hear every instrument used rather than just the loudest, and appreciate the talent of those whose music I follow as though I was in the same room.

We have our heroes of sport, TV and the silver screen and can indulge in our own particular fantasies as if we were teenagers again. Granny might have had a small photo of Errol Flynn or Cary Grant while we have almost limitless coverage in the media of anyone who takes our fancy. On a Sunday afternoon, Granny may have sat in a comfy chair, listening to a concert on the radio while knitting another pair of socks. And she would have been perfectly satisfied with that. We are bombarded with incessant 'entertainment' - sport, movies, live music at the local pub, this event, that event - that if we are left at a loose end one afternoon, we probably don't know what to do with ourselves and call ourselves 'bored'.

I wonder what grandchildren will be doing in 20 years' time? I hope I will be there to find out.

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