Thursday 24 January 2013

When you get what you wish for...

For years I have longed to have a whole day alone at home with nobody phoning me or asking me to do anything for them. Life has been a constant activity of looking after the home, the husband, the children, the garden, the dogs and cats, and most of the time, being gainfully employed, either by myself or in sheltered employment where someone else paid me. I haven't had a chance with the TV remote for years and have pretty much given up watching, preferring to chat to old friends on FB or Skype. And suddenly, within the last week, it has happened.

The freelance work has abated, Robert has left for London. I get up in the morning and don't have to make breakfast. The TV doesn't get turned on at all during the day. I don't get five phone calls a day with sundry enquiries as to what's for dinner. There's no queue for the shower and I have a choice of which car to use. The washing machine only goes once a day and I only need to shop once a week. Supper is a simple affair and we can eat peas again. The meat bill has halved and milk goes off in the fridge. That's the up-side.

The down-side is that the dogs are puzzled, there's nobody to get exasperated with when he doesn't get up till 10 am or stands under the shower for 15 minutes and uses all the hot water. There's nobody to mow the lawn and rake up the leaves under the huge gum tree or take out the bin on dirt day. I can't complain about all the ironing because there is hardly any, and I don't know where Man U is on the log any more. I don't know whether our cricket team is winning or which team to support in the Indian Premier League 20/20.

But back to the up-side. Robert has left home to start a new life with Sara and that is what his heart desires, and thus what we want for him. He has the opportunity to travel and see the world, but also to support himself and be the man of the house. For me, all this spare time will eventually translate into a return to painting, with opportunities for all kinds of adventures along the way, and most importantly, the finishing of my first book and progress with other writing projects. There is no longer any excuse and this is now the time of my life. It is up to me what I do with it.

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