Wednesday 19 December 2018

All a-twitter

There are so many birds in the garden this morning, I hardly know which way to point the camera! The early morning showers have rejuvenated yesterday's tired leaves and the birds are revelling in the freshness of the drops hanging from every tip. The air is crisp from the influence of the cool onshore drift and mother birds are teaching their young about survival.
A family of Southern Boubous frequents the suet ball on my deck and I have been enjoying their interaction as baby becomes independent. Mother is still close by, and so far the cats have shown no interest. A lucky shot shows the two together in the tree.
Another family of malachite sunbirds is flapping around (a fair description of the way they hang and bounce around randomly in flight), and the youngster is delighting in testing out his/her wings. An odd sight was to see a sparrow and the malachite female fly down and land next to each other on the deck rail. As I write this I can hear a Southern Lesser Double-Collared sunbird trilling excitedly in the hibiscus. This is definitely bird weather - they don't like wind or heat and remain in the shelter of the trees.
Birdwatching and particularly bird photography takes up a huge amount of time, and so reluctantly I must get on with my day and leave them to twitter in the treetops.

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