Sunday 8 July 2018

Sunday mumblings

Here we are again, sweltering in Cape Town in midwinter. Not unusual though. We go through this pattern of cold fronts and gale force onshore winds, followed by a few days of hot berg winds coming down from the high ground inland. Today was 32 degrees (C) inside my sunny balcony and only slightly cooler at 28 in the rest of the house. In the sunshine outside it was like a hot summer's day and I emptied many bottles of tank water onto the garden to sustain it until the next rain, which is forecast for Thursday but may never happen. While I was watering, the men of the house were fixing the roof to prevent flooding in the event of Thursday's rain happening!
There were other more interesting things going on, despite the current mundaneness of life in general - He Who Can Fix Anything took Cleo down to Witsands near Scarborough to walk on the beach. He got out of the car, as did Cleo, and a pitbull was nearby so he quickly threw her back in and closed the door. She jumped against the window and pushed down the button that locks the door. The keys were still in the ignition. I suppose this teaches us all a lesson. Fortunately for him, I could bring the spare key from home, only 10 minutes away and I have to confess that it was only concern for Cleo in a hot car that made me speed down there, as the lesson needs to be learned. A pleasant beach walk and dip in the sea for Cleo, then home to braai - not something we do often. General gardening and watching the Grand Prix - Sundays :(
The offshore wind made for some spectacular waves as long swells came in from the deep South Atlantic and I managed to snap a few shots on the way back from the dog rescue!

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