Saturday 7 July 2018

Crisp winter walk

A crisp early morning under a cloudless sky saw us heading up through the forest at Newlands yesterday, where it soon warmed up with the drift of warm air from inland and layers of clothing were shed before we came to the upper reaches. On previous walks we have crossed dribbling streams and lamented the lack of rain, but now the rivers are in spate and the sound of waterfalls and tumbling torrents was indeed music to our ears. Enticing pools gleamed in the sunlight filtering through the towering pines, but only the dogs plunged into their icy depths, impervious to the cold in their thick winter coats. Every man, woman and dog was out to enjoy what must be one of the most pleasant of all walks - easy tracks, leafy shade, spectacular autumnal shades (not every tree has shed its leaves yet, although some are already bursting pale green buds in this false spring) and that special echoing quietness that characterises forests.
We didn't hurry, preferring to stop and look and listen for a while, appreciating our surroundings in a way that mountain hiking doesn't allow for, with rocky paths and uncertain footing meaning less time to look at the view, and a very pleasant half hour was spent basking on a rocky bank overlooking the distant snow-capped mountains and chatting idly. A wonderful morning indeed!

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