Saturday 9 September 2017

Being Shirley Valentine

I have allowed myself to live this little life, when inside me there is so much more..." - Shirley Valentine.
Yesterday there was a question on a Facebook page - what film inspired you the most? - and it didn't take a moment for me to comment: "Shirley Valentine". And tonight I turned on the TV and flicked through the channels to see what was on and there she was - Shirley Valentine.
Watching her talk to the wall and being expected to make steak and chips on a Thursday struck a chord with me and I knew it was time to break out and be me.
Since I first saw this movie, I have regained my Self, done most of the things I want to do (still more to come!), followed my interests, discovered what my interests are, and learned that I can be anything I want to be. I may not have been to Greece yet (but who knows...), but the essence of the movie, the re-establishment of herself as a distinct personality with dreams to fulfil and adventures to follow, inspired me to not be satisfied with a life less lived.

If there is anything I wish for women who have so much potential but are never brave enough to break out of the rut, it is that they watch this movie and realise that they can also be Shirley Valentine. I haven't entirely abandoned my responsibilities, although I do take off for Europe from time to time - and what it has taught me is that it has benefited everyone.
If you respect yourself as an individual and remain true to yourself, you are more likely to gain the respect of others and not be taken for granted. There is infinitely more that I still need to do, and any time I waver, I think of Shirley Valentine.
You can make it happen!

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