Friday 29 September 2017

At the foot of Table Mountain

A cool spring day saw me heading for the cableway at Table Mountain. Not to go up it, but to walk along the foot of Table Mountain, among the vast slopes of proteas and pincushions, which grow in clearly demarcated areas and don't seem to mingle! Our destination today was Deer Park near the end of Tafelberg Road, but the paths didn't quite match the map and we did an up climb and a down climb, followed by more up climbs, down climbs and finishing off with a steep toil back to the cars. Jolly good exercise, got the heart pumping and legs popping, with frequent stops to look at the endless view to the distant mountains (actually to catch our breath) and coffee break with a view straight up the cliffs of this magnificent Wonder of the World. The newly refurbished cable cars, now painted orange and red respectively, plied an endless trade up and down the cables, while the contour path leading up the mountain was being well used by other hikers. It's pretty steep, and I think it will be a while before I tackle that one! At the moment, pensioners or over 60s can go up in the cable car on a Friday for R100, a considerable saving, but judging from the clearly audible babble coming from the cable station, a very young crowd was waiting to take the ride, or else the pensioners were experiencing a second childhood. I would hate to be part of the queue in summer - it must be many hours' wait. Probably quicker to walk up. Maybe.
As always, every time I saw a bird on a bush, my camera was tucked away in my rucksack to preserve my neck, so by the time that was hauled out, all signs of birdlife were gone. You will have to take my word for it that sunbirds, sugarbirds and prinias were all very busy today.



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