Wednesday 7 September 2016

Bouncy dog

The individual suffering most from my indisposition appears to be Cleo. She is a very intelligent little dog and requires a lot of playtime and exercise, without which she amuses herself. Yesterday she chewed a piece out of the newly laid flooring on the balcony in a place that cannot be repaired. HWCFA has yet to discover this.
Today she chewed the cellphone charger cord into a gazillion pieces.

But her greatest source of delight is jumping onto me with a toy to be thrown incessantly in a game of 'fetch'. Do you know how exhausting it is to have a 10kg dog bounding boisterously up to your face while you are trying to lie quietly on your bed, not to mention the clouds of dog hair she is shedding as summer approaches? No wonder I thought it was hayfever and not flu!
I have spent the entire day throwing her toys through the doorway as far as I can and my aim has improved to such an extent that I could be considered for a position in the national cricket team. However, my enthusiasm for all-day games has not matched hers and I have had to close the door to keep her out.
Of course, this is what brought on the chewing...

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