Sunday 13 March 2016

Puppy class #2

I went to my second puppy training class this morning. My mother is hoping I will learn quickly so that I stop hanging from her hem and tearing her shirts, but how can I resist that tempting flapping - it's ingrained in me from the days when my ancestors on the farm used to catch at the sheets blowing on the washline. She also wants me to stop nipping at Monty and pulling his tail - but he reminds me so much of a woolly sheep and it's also in my ancestry to round up the flock.
I enjoyed the games - playing tug with that lovely knotted rope that the lady said would remind me of a rabbit, running up and down the plank, and especially the fun tunnel! But I didn't like the big noise of a motorbike or the car alarm that kept going off. They said it wouldn't hurt me but I still needed to cuddle with my mommy for a while before I went back to class.
The other puppies are so much bigger than me and I tried to be friendly, but I thought I might be squashed and hid behind my mother's legs while they were taken back to the corner. I wonder if I'll ever find anyone my size to play with?
I think I did very well in class today, but I think my mother needs to do some serious homework before she can co-ordinate her legs and arms and the clicker and my treats. So much for her to learn!

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