Saturday 5 March 2016

End of the day

With humidity levels at 80%, we can almost swim through the air today. For unknown reasons, I decided it was time to do some serious remodelling of the lawn in the area where I have planted indigenous shrubs and agapanthus, and I set about pulling out buffalo runners from places they shouldn't be and cutting them into 2-inch lengths with a root in the middle. Then I planted them in a big area of lawn, about 6 inches apart and covered them with lawn dressing and chicken manure. The whole area was fenced in with that green hoop fencing that slots together. The purpose of that is to keep Cleo off the lawn, and it was a relief to find that although her head and front feet came through the gap, her fat little tummy couldn't make it!
A thorough watering followed, and then a little thunder shower came along to help. It lessened the humidity fractionally and I set about directing the men of the house to move an incredibly heavy birdbath from one end of the garden to the new lawn area. I don't often get a chance to order anyone about, so made sure it was a proper job. Now we just have to wait and see if the birds will come, as they wouldn't bath next to the fiddlewood where it was before, as cats could lurk and birds are clever. I can now see the birdbath from the deck and hope to snap a few photos one of these fine days.
The strange weather has made for some interesting and quite beautiful cloud formations (you know I am particularly fond of clouds), with spectral wisps of mist enveloping the lower slopes of Chapman's Peak and snaking across the sea in patches. To the north, a large thunderhead is climbing its way to the stars and with luck a few more drops of soothing rain will reach the ground overnight. The 6 o'clock flight to wherever has passed overhead, I'm writing this
on the deck looking over the sea, dinner is almost served and peace reigns.

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