Saturday 29 August 2015

Gentle rain in time for spring blooms

The raucous hadedahs have much to say today. Perhaps they are enjoying the gentle late winter rain that has arrived in Cape Town after a dry winter. They seem undecided, as always, on which direction to take - perhaps one is saying, You should have brought the map!
The sunbirds are trilling second to none, in a battle to outdo each other, and they are also enjoying a chance to fluff out their iridescent plumage and dislodge a little dust.
New growth is bursting forth everywhere. Pale green buds are on the buddleia, promising a showy display next month with the heavenly scent of its abundant purple flowers - I planted it below the window so that the scent can waft into the house, along with the jasmine that clambers prolifically over the trees and up the walls.
Life's memories are closely linked to smell, and one of my favourites was the heavy night-time scent of the moonflower that grew outside the back door of the family home in Clovelly. These showy shrubs are unfortunately poisonous and we are no longer allowed to grow them, so we are robbed of a simple pleasure in life, rather than being educated in not eating certain plants!
Speaking of simple pleasures, spring brings out the jewelled carpet of the magnificent Bokbaai vygies (photo attached from another time) and today I think I will plant a few containers of these easy growers to bring a flash of brilliant colour to the garden!

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