Tuesday 7 April 2015

Blowing away

The southeaster must be gusting at gale force today. We are now in April, five months beyond the time of the black southeasters here in Cape Town, but still they continue. This is a strange wind, as there is no customary tablecloth sweeping over Table Mountain, and here in Kommetjie, where often we don't feel the effects at all, the air is filled with debris from snapped twigs, bougainvillea bracts, dried grasses and anything else that hasn't been tied down. A sheet of PVC is banging against the side of the neighbour's house - I'm amazed it hasn't been shattered into a million pieces by now.
The heavy branches of the bougainvillea and Brazilian peppers that have beaten against the roof of our house for years have been removed and at least that potential for damage has gone, but the incessant gale is again stripping the soil of all moisture and most of the compost so laboriously added over time! Temperatures will remain in the high 20s for a few days, so relief is not on the way quite yet.
I'm still battling to get the DStv extra view system working, not through want of trying, but rather through the apparent lack of interest of any parties employed in that field to earn a living. When the problem is eventually solved, I will bore you with the details.
Some positive news is that I'm greatly enjoying my new Samsung tablet (Scrabble in particular) and the freedom of movement it allows. I'm learning to do all sorts of things on it - it seems the only thing it doesn't do is make coffee, but I have other sources of that! Actually, this blog is still being tapped out on the keyboard of my trusty little notebook, as, being a touch typist trained in the 70s, it is far quicker than trying to use two fingers on a touch screen. It's very satisfying to bash away on the keys with enthusiasm!
Looks like the satellite man is not going to turn up today after all. I will just get on with dinner then. Curses.

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