Tuesday 18 November 2014

Time passing quickly

Well, we're still taking a beating from the southeaster after three days! It's bringing hailstorms up north, I believe, so havoc reigns. Par for the course at this time of year. My garden will survive if I can just get enough water on it, but leaving home at 6.30 doesn't give me much time. This morning I woke at 3 and watched the sky lighten at 4, followed shortly thereafter by the first cock's crow. By 5 I decided I might as well get up, as the wind wasn't too hectic and it was really lovely out in the garden so early. Perhaps this is the ideal time to get up, before the world has started to move around and everything is peaceful; only the twittering of the early bird catching the worm disturbed the air.
Driving over Ou Kaapse Weg was a delight, as ever, despite being buffeted all over the road by the wind. As you can see from the picture, cloud cover was low, a sign of a the famous black southeaster - doubtless named after everyone's mood after three days! The mountains stretched as far as the eye could see, and the lakes and False Bay sparkled in the early sunlight. Traffic has eased somewhat now that the school year is drawing to an end, allowing for the odd turn of the head to enjoy the view without riding up the back of the car in front.

Work continues apace, and deadlines are being met left, right and centre. Only 9 more working days in the office and then it's back to normal. It will be like being on holiday all over again.

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