Saturday 29 November 2014

A walk along the Boomslang

The office function this year was a lunch at Kirstenbosch, and what better place to be on such a beautiful Cape Town day! After we were suitably replete, a walk was in order, and a slog up to the Boomslang was voted the preferred destination. It was quite and huff and a puff for some (notably me), but the professional hikers found it a breeze as we strode up the quaint old cobbled pathways of my youth. Little has changed except for seasonal plantings and growth of large trees. 

A bare patch of hillside was evidence of the recent theft of a large number of ancient cycads from the botanical gardens, an event which boggles the mind, as at least one large truck and a huge amount of manpower would have been needed to wrestle these spiky trees from their precarious slope. And of course the public have no access at night. A sorry state of affairs when people resort to stealing plants rather than seek an honest living.

The Boomslang didn't disappoint those who had not yet been along it, and the swaying of the walkway in the treetops caused quite a bit of clutching at the railings. A not altogether pleasant sensation!

The return trip took us across the lawns where the summer concerts are held, where shoes were kicked off to let the grass tickle our toes, and a really relaxing day was rounded off with pleasantries in the shade of the trees surrounding the lawns. An outing to be recommended to all who need to get back in touch with nature.

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