Saturday 26 July 2014


Having a lazy weekend for a change. Did the gearbox last weekend, no 'official' work right now, and weather perfect for reading and listening to music from the late 60s and early 70s (my teenage era). It just takes a nudge on Facebook and soon everyone is posting their favourites via YouTube. Not being much of an internet surfer, I always forget that just about any song is at our fingertips, and you only have to remember a few of the words to find it. Songs that I have forgotten about pop up on the right-hand side of the screen and in no time at all it's a trip down memory lane, to those long, hot summers of our youth - beach, discos, the odd nightclub. Safe and pretty innocent stuff and a whole lot of fun in those days.

Today we pass by the boys we had a crush on 45 years ago and wonder if we look as bad now as they do, or find that our children were at school with theirs. It's really a very small world out there and somehow there is always a link to our past. Some don't want to remember it, mainly because they don't want their children to know what rebels they were, although in hindsight there was nothing serious, at least not in comparison to what goes on today, just young people doing what young people have always done.

It's quite difficult to really comprehend how many years have gone by since the 70s and I know for a fact that everybody still listens to the same music in between today's - somehow you can really sing it and a road trip always comes to mind. We are now scattered across the globe, yet technology has enabled us to reconnect and carry on with yesteryear's conversations as if we had never left off.

Nothing like a bit of nostalgia on a rainy day...

1 comment:

  1. Hey you. A good blog. I must admit I get very nostalgic when I listen to the tunes my FB friends are digging up. I love music because generally I associate memories of the time - some sad and some happy. My brain is indexed that way. Keep it up lady. :)
