Tuesday 27 May 2014

Settling in

Mango Kitty and Mr Bigglesworth (sister and brother) started their new life together very cagily, but their days (and nights!) are now filled with maniacal charging about, sliding on rugs, rough and tumbling like wrestlers, seeing how far they can run across the furniture without touching the floor and occasionally stopping to claw up my leg (only Mango). It is bedlam when they are at it, and perfect peace when they eventually exhaust themselves and cuddle up on their blankets.

The animosity has given way to over-exuberance, but today we found them lying peacefully in the same kitty bed, licking each other! Later they went to sleep curled up against each other. I think it was a bit of a lull, as it is now late in the evening and they are thundering up and down the house, even using me as a springboard, claws out, so I am feeling a bit shredded right now. Perhaps I should have their claws clipped!

I have to say they are a source of great entertainment and amusement, and we are all very happy to have been able to give them a home away from the streets where they were found.

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