Wednesday 21 May 2014

Looking forward to another new kitty

Mango Kitty grows every day and continues to run up my leg, although not quite so often. She makes good use of her scratching post and loves all her toys, but can now climb up onto anything. She particularly likes to sit in front of the computer and tap the keys, or chase tennis players' shoes on the TV screen.

Since her last escapade up a tree where she poked her eye and was out there for 3 hours, she has been quite cautious and we have kept her inside but now take her out on a lead until she is better able to look after herself. Our main concern is that she climbs over the wall or falls into the well or even worse, is taken by a raptor. I think she is past the stage of the latter now.

Any day now we will be giving a home to her brother, a black kitty, and so it will be double trouble, but I have to say I can't wait, as we had a brother and sister pair for 20 years and things just haven't been the same since they died at the end of 2012 within a few months of each other. A home without a cat is somehow empty - their presence can be cuddly or disdainful, but they are independent and self-cleaning, which makes them ideal pets! They also make good hot water bottles in winter, and will usually come and sit on your lap if you are feeling sad or ill. 

Every cat has its own distinctive personality, and I look forward to introducing the new member of the family to you. He will be as spoilt (although I don't believe in that word applying to pets) as all our other cats were.

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