Sunday 12 April 2020

Thoughts from the past, now current

I spent a good part of the day thinking of Easters past, when Mom and Dad were still with us. I played music from my childhood that reminded me of them and relived the happy days of Sunday lunches and being in the kitchen with Mom - today I made all the food she used to make for us. Before I became too dejected at missing them so, I changed the music and the mood, but being in lockdown doesn't help alleviate it too much. However, the self-isolation in the kitchen was in itself therapeutic.
I scrolled through blogs from the past, and here is one from the last Easters where we were all together. Good Friday, 2014. I thought that my sentiments matched the current re-setting of the world quite aptly:

There has been a growing trend over the last few decades of women who, once their children have left home, take the opportunity to follow their lead and leave the family home to pursue a life of what interests them, rather than continuing to be subject to the whims and moods of the man they married some 20 or more years before. These women are no longer prepared to put up with what following the 'norms of society' has brought, and have the courage to leave the security of their homes and seek fulfilment and hopefully some adventure before life has completely passed them by. You may know some of them or even be one of them.

For thousands of years (?) women have received the thin edge of the wedge, with their role being assigned to the kitchen and other menial tasks with no recognition of the worth of their contribution to the world. This has led to domestic abuse on a world-wide scale, fuelled by male-dominated societies where women have been afraid to stand up for themselves. The Western world is the least restrictive in its treatment of women, but the atrocities reported daily in the media beggar belief. While there are many men who do in fact treat their women as the most special person in their life, they are sadly not in the majority in many cultures.

Another growing trend is for women to choose to stay single, for the very reason that they do not wish to grant anyone any form of legal control over their lives. This will certainly be a contributing factor in the reduction of the divorce rate in decades to come, and the divorce attorney may even make the endangered list. A priority for the mothers of the world is to teach their sons how to treat a woman - with respect with a capital R.

Our purpose in living on this planet was not to control, dominate, abuse or hate each other. Today is in fact the day on which we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus, whose crime was to preach love for your fellow man. Those who feared loss of control took the only route known to them - kill the threat to your power. Since then, the history of the world has shown nothing but a deterioration in human relations, and it is widely believed that we will reach a point of self-destruction that will be alleviated by the return of Jesus, to once again bring the message of what our true purpose of existence is - tolerance, love, peaceful co-existence and non-judgment of your fellow man.

We already all know that message, but conveniently choose to ignore it in this ego-driven, materialistic world. It takes nothing but a change of heart to change the world. A virus has been sent to test us. This may be our last chance.

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