Friday 17 April 2020

Living with Lockdown - 16

And the days grind on, literally. The pace of refurbishment has slowed, with the slaves doing more of the work and the slave driver cracking the whip from the bottom of the ladder. Occasional visits from baboons provide for a little entertainment and not much notice is taken of them as they pass by along the wall or lollop across the neighbouring roof. It seems that if the monitors leave them alone they remain calm and chilled, although still opportunistic in the search for an easy meal. Two large males strolled suddenly past us with barely a glance and took no notice of the dogs barking and charging at them, merely jumping lithely out of reach onto the wall. Lockdown lounging is becoming the order of the day for the animals, wild and domestic.
New birds continue to visit, with a Cape Batis and Orange-breasted Sunbird a few days ago (time has dribbled into a continuum of yesterday and today with no particular day of the week observed), and today the Bokmakierie serenaded us from the gum tree, followed by a Brimstone Canary. Perhaps we are seeing all these visitors because we are outside all the time overlooking the garden, but I like to think that they are reclaiming the land! So grinding and painting are interspersed with a dash inside for cameras and a bit of clicking.
The sunsets have been spectacular - this is usually reserved for May in the Cape, but perhaps it will be an early winter and the weather patterns are favourable for cloud. A little surprise shower was most welcome yesterday.
Inside the house, it looks like a construction site, with all the outside furniture and plants from the deck now on the inside. Not paying enough attention to making the doors and windows airtight compounded the ingress of sawdust, which spread throughout the house and necessitated some intensive mopping and wiping. Not only is the outside getting a facelift, but the inside too!

1 comment:

  1. Well done Pamela, something to look forward to on these very trying days.
