Saturday 11 April 2020

Living with Lockdown - 14

The renovation continues, with only a break on Good Friday - no use of power tools, but a full day's painting nonetheless. Today it was a rush to get the first two coats on the weather side before the arrival of the cold front tonight, and a sterling job was done by son up the scaffold all day, while daughter and I pushed the scaffold up and down the side of the house, manoeuvring skilfully round the satellite dish on numerous occasions. By great good fortune, the brick paving is in exactly the right place to accommodate the scaffold, except for a short piece of about 4 inches where it joins the flowerbed. Easily solved - yank out the bromeliads as they can survive periods out of the soil very well - and put a plank in place.
The slaves have declared a mutiny for tomorrow, being Easter Sunday, and a Sunday anyway, and once again rain is the decider. It seems as though Sundays are going to be rainy days rather than resting days. With the lockdown extended to the end of April - and no possibility of relocation - it seems as though more work will be done here than in the last 15 years. A positive outcome if we survive the work and each other.
The birds are having a riotous time at the feeder, and are not in the least bothered by the activity around them. The dogs have given up barking except when baboons turn up where they can see them, and even then they seem to be losing interest, as long as we are relaxed about their presence.
The baboons haven't visited for a few days now, apart from a lone male a few roofs away, barking to the rest of the troop who apparently ignored him and went to seek greener pastures in a different part of town.
The terns that live on the island got themselves a feast this evening, as a successful fishing outing saw them all flying over the house back to their roost, each with a good sized fish in its beak - many 100s of them well fed. Nature is loving the break from people!

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