Monday 13 April 2020

Living with Lockdown - 15

It has been pointed out to me that although I profess to be pushing scaffolding around, climbing ladders and wielding a paintbrush, there is no photographic evidence of this participation in the renovations. I can assure you it is not for want of trying. I keep bleating on about how nobody is taking pictures of me, while I always have my phone handy to capture an arty shot of a figure against the skyline, neatly framed in a scaffold, or reaching up to replenish the paint pot. I am told that they are too busy and have something in each hand, and why do I want my picture taken anyway? Well, to prove that I was there, of course!
That's the trouble with always being behind the lens - you have to remember to ask someone to take a photo of you so your friends can see that you actually did climb Lion's Head or Paarl Rock or some other such impressive achievement, rather than use someone else's photos from the hike.
HWCFA has been taking pictures of us, but hasn't revealed what he intends to do with them. Perhaps he is planning on sending out CVs for us to paint other people's houses after this lockdown eventually reaches its last day. Or it's to keep a record of what we are capable of next time he has us cornered with no place to hide. I, too, have been keeping a pictorial history of his movements - sometimes leaning back in a chair, deep in thought with his eyes closed so that he can concentrate. This may be used as evidence against him should the occasion arise!
I have retreated somewhat to the business of the kitchen, where 3 meals and 2 teas per day are still being pumped out, and although I love to cook, I am starting to think a little ladder time might be preferable!

Autumn light

Raining over the sea!

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