Friday 4 January 2019

Shedding the cobwebs

Having spent most of the night swatting at mosquitoes and therefore awake, I trundled off to the first hike of 2019 feeling a little less than on top of the world. The first pleasant surprise was that there was absolutely no traffic, the taxis not having any passengers until all return from the Eastern Cape this weekend and mothers not carting kids to school. What a pleasure, even though I got to the parking area at Silvermine 45 minutes before I needed to. I passed the time strolling through the fynbos and enjoying the early morning breeze before the heat of the day set in. It reinforced my opinion that it is better to be an early riser and enjoy the best part of the day than be a night owl and sleep in.
With my ankle securely in its brace and enclosed in a sturdy hiking boot, there was no fear of another sprain, although this was an easy hike to ease us all back into good habits after too many mince pies and afternoon naps on the couch. The walk along the Silvermine river is pleasant and at times well shaded, with just the odd scramble up a rock or two. However, being in a valley prevented the cool breeze from reaching us and in no time we were stopping for water breaks on a regular basis. During this season of intense heat, it will be a good idea to take two water bottles as the danger of dehydration is always present and I found my water had run out long before I was finished needing it.
The last day of the holidays for most people meant that the picnic sites up at the dam were being well used by families enjoying a perfect summer's day, boating and swimming in the cool water of the dam which was built in the late 1800s to supply the coastal suburbs. Nowadays the water supplies the Clovelly Country Club's needs further downriver and feed the important wetlands near the river mouth, and the suburbs are piped into the main system from the major dams.
The walk back to the cars was all downhill, thank goodness, as the heat had now become a little oppressive, and I couldn't wait to shed my boots, brace and socks and let my bare feet touch the ground again.
It really was a most enjoyable outing, our group consisting of people with good humour and a love of nature, and it was great to be back in the mountains


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