Friday 28 September 2018

Just Nuisance in cooler weather

When I did the walk from Simon's Town's Jubilee Square to the grave of Just Nuisance up at the Signal School above the town in December last year, I had only been hiking for 6 months and this was definitely the toughest of all. I toiled to the top with many, many stops on the way and was the last to get there. My blog indicates that my legs were too wobbly to walk straight back down the steps and had to do most of it sideways.
Today was to be a test of my progress, and I am happy to report that, although I still had to stop after each set of 30 steps (as did everyone else!), recovery was quick and painless and I could have been first to the top if I had really wanted to be. The trip back down was undertaken normally, and although the legs felt slightly wobbly back on the road, I was impressed with myself and wasn't even breaking a sweat.

We then turned left towards Admiral's Waterfall and negotiated the narrow path with steep drop into the ravine at a leisurely pace, having already had a strenuous walk and now adding a little more. In December there was no water, but good winter rains (now extending into spring) have produced a raging torrent and the waterfall is a sight to behold. You cannot actually see the main falls from the path, but they are clearly visible from many parts of the walk up the hill and can be heard from far away. The upper falls and pools are well worth the extra few minutes' walk, although I didn't do it!
The Historic Mile in Simon's Town gave us plenty of opportunity to admire the ancient architecture, most of which has been well maintained, and our Intrepid Leader gave us an informative talk on each one - there's more to us than just hiking!
It still rates as probably the toughest walk I have done - pretty much straight up the mountain - but is good for the heart and legs!
Down below on a pond-like False Bay, a strange assortment of vessels plied to and fro from the dockyard - a yacht, an old supply support vessel, a kayak, a skiboat, a skiff with 4 oarsmen and a submarine (this disappeared from view and then reappeared - as submarines are supposed to do - but as neither event was witnessed by us happy hikers, we are unable to say whether it submerged or not - I would like to think it did as a periscope training exercise. Any training exercise in our navy is welcomed.)

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