Monday 17 September 2018

Impressive clouds

The weather gods are being good to Cape Town. Despite forecasts of little rain this winter, clouds have appeared from unusual directions, not at all our normal cold front format, and heavy rains have fallen in the nick of time. In the Eastern Cape, where disaster seemed inevitable, dams are filling and some have even overflowed from torrential rain over the last week or two.
At home we no longer have space to store any more water except underground, where it belongs, as the jojo tank (5000 litres), subsidiary tanks (1500 litres) and more than 400 5-litre bottles are full and overflowing. The question is asked, where is all the water going to go? and the answer is, into the ground as it always has before we had to start preventing it from escaping from the drainpipes! We have become somewhat paranoid about wasting water now, and it is going to take a bit of training to watch it flow unhindered through the garden. It is even becoming apparent that some of us are finding a wet day inconvenient!
The clouds today were towering, puffy and bright white, but from their heavy grey bases a torrent fell. It must have been a real dampener for the tour group doing a circuit of the Peninsula in old motor bike/side-car combos! I don't know if their bright blue weather gear was sufficient to keep them dry, but who knows, some people enjoy that kind of experience and in fact some parts of the world only know wet weather. It is, after all, only water and we don't melt!
The only concern regarding water storage is that the groundwater level  has not risen above what would be the minimum at the end of summer, and I can only conclude that this is because the well was totally dry in March, something we haven't seen here in 35 years.

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