Friday 11 September 2015

Catch a wave!

I'm privileged to live at the edge of a bay at a world-famous surf spot (Outer Kom, Inner Kom, Baby Pipes, etc) and can go down to the rocks at any time and watch the surfers of all ages and skill levels riding the wave. I normally take my cellphone and snap a few pics, but today I took the real camera with zoom lens. Of course, I settled down in front of a row of tripods and really real cameras with zoom lenses the length of my forearm - hopefully I was low down enough on the rocks not to obscure their view, although they were enjoying a bit of socialising and I doubt whether they were even looking. I'm sure they would have asked me to move.
The only problem with facing the setting sun is that it is always in front of you and squinting with one eye into the viewfinder can be eye-watering as I have to close the other eye to avoid the glare. I reckon a photography course will help with getting the settings right, but in the meantime, I just enjoy the freedom of the digital era where there is no limit to the number of pics you can take (unless the batteries run out) and five random shots out of a hundred will be more than satisfactory.
Perhaps I should take up a sideline career of surf photography. What better place to work than next to tumbling waves, with the invigorating odour of freshly turned kelp and the warmth of the sun on your face?

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