Tuesday 31 March 2015

Having a whinge

Technology is driving me round the twist at the moment. From a simple light bulb to the convoluted cabling of the DSTV system, it seems as though everything is giving up at the moment and we remain at the mercy of those who know more than us. Trying to coordinate the three TVs via a dual viewing system just to keep everyone happy seems like more effort than it is worth, particularly as I seldom get to have a chance with the remote anyway. This morning, even the little portable radio went on the blink, with the switch not turning off any more.
But what annoys me most of all about technology is how annoyed it makes us. The stress levels soar when things don't work as they should. We are not meant to live our lives in a constant state of annoyance, anger and stress and it doesn't do our health or heart rate any good. Neither does it provide a solution to any of the technological problems, as they can only be fixed by a person knowledgeable  in that field.
I often feel that our lives would not be disadvantaged in any way if we went back to the simpler things; after all, technology seems to be mainly involved in enabling the spread of communication in the world. But the communication we are subjected to is suspect in many ways and indeed more like brainwashing to accept all that we read, see and hear as being true, when this is far from correct.
The demise of mass communication (and this can happen at the flick of a switch) would take us back to the days when face-to-face conversation was our entertainment, or a day's travel by horse to visit the neighbours, and there would be plenty of time to sit under a tree in quiet contemplation.
In the meantime, I await the return of the technician to fix what he didn't do, will put new batteries for the remote, take the radio apart to fix the switch, put in a new light bulb and post this blog via social media.

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