Thursday 9 October 2014

Reining myself in

Well, despite knowing for years that I should not be eating gluten, the time has come when I really don't eat gluten, to enable my body to function optimally. So it's back to extremely limited eating - only fresh and unprocessed foods, but also no bottled sauces such as soy which apart from being GM has also got wheat in it. Fortunately I have had years of studying what I should be eating so it's not a problem. However, I was at a restaurant last night and there was not one dish on the entire menu that didn't contain something that is on my No list. So I just had cappuccino. Such is life. It will be well worth it in the end.

The doctor I consulted is in a 'lifestyle centre' and when I arrived at the building and looked at the list of practitioners, I could see that I had arrived at the cosmetic surgery centre of Cape Town. I could come out of there with a remodelled body and a sparkling white set of gnashers. A painfully thin but extremely attractive young girl hobbled into the lift with me, clutching at her stomach - obviously holding her stitches - and I wondered briefly what she had had done, and was pleased it wasn't me. Of course, it's not exclusively cosmetic surgery that is offered, but also reconstructive, so it was not necessarily her choice.

It was with great relief that I saw I would be seeing an anti-aging specialist (I have no idea what that would be in less flashy surroundings), and he was a delightful young man who has the correct approach to health care and nutrition - a perfect complement to the advice I currently receive from my own excellent nutritionist. He reinforced my existing knowledge that I am what I eat and that ultimately it is my responsibility to care for my health and ensure the best possible quality of life.

The most gratifying aspect of the visit was the knowledge that one of my large cosmic artworks adorns a wall in the building.

Oh, and also this beautiful rainbow over the Mother City.

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