Friday 31 October 2014

Appreciating nature

The southeaster is again blasting us out to sea, and with it comes some of the most photo-worthy waves I have ever seen. Murphy is once again laying down the law, as my camera batteries are flat and I am nowhere near a shop that sells these particular batteries, so you will just have to read my mind! Walls of bottle-green and paler cream soda are towering across the bay, the wind ripping the tops away into the wild blue yonder. The Kakapo reef is sending back tapering sprays measuring hundreds of feet and the turbulent white water of the dumpers is thrown straight up in a mass of foam. No surfers are out there - it may be dicing with death in these strong conditions and an unwary kiteboarder or windsurfer would be well on his way to South America. One picture from my cellphone will have to suffice for now.
You will have heard ad nauseum about my having to join the rat race for a month, but one distinct advantage is the drive over Ou Kaapse Weg in the early morning. Who could possibly complain about travelling to work through such spectacular scenery, which never pales into insignificance through frequent viewing. There are always new flowers - proteas, mountain dahlias, watsonias, ericas, keurboom, pincushions - a veritable feast for the eyes as you drive through Table Mountain National Park and have that endless vista to the far distant mountains of the Western Cape. That in  itself makes it worth getting up every morning and leaving the pleasant surroundings in which I live.

Two days down, 21 to go!

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