Wednesday 29 October 2014

Brief reflection

A sudden return to winter in Cape Town has brought strong northwesterly winds with an accompanying heavy sea and grey skies. Still too soon to pack away those winter clothes. Sunbirds still chirp merrily although their song is muted by the crashing of the breakers nearby.

These photos were taken in the brief sunshiny lull between the fog and the cold front's arrival, which was rather sudden and unexpected. 

The weather matches the mood in our family at present, as we grapple to come to terms with the illness of a dear one. The world is showering us with love and kind words, with healing energy being provided from every possible corner of the universe, and we remain positive despite the greyness of the skies. Into each life a little rain must fall, but acceptance of cloudy weather is the way forward, as every cloud is followed by sunshine.

1 comment:

  1. Summer does tend to tease one initially until it finally arrives.

    I am sorry to read that your family is going through a rough time, and trusting that silver linings and sunshine will be uplifting and comforting.
