Sunday 16 March 2014

Heart's desire

It's a little past the witching hour and here I am, writing business letters and gathering my thoughts for a hard week to come, sorting out miscreants and misdemeanours. Once I have regained control of the events in our lives, things should look up considerably, and I will have achieved my heart's desire - that elusive goal or dream that we are urged to focus on to bring abundance into our lives.

It's a funny thing that - abundance. It comes in many forms, and everyone has their own ideas about what it is. That's why it's so difficult to know what your heart's desire truly is. We always go for the obvious - money in the bank, a nice house, fancy car, someone to love - and then wonder why they seem so difficult to attain. I think the reason is because we have to take the actions which will allow us to achieve these things before they can become reality, as they are blocking our ability to manifest the outcome.

It was only recently that I realised that my heart's desire at this time is to stop procrastinating on the important things and get my 'house in order' so that my true heart's desire - peace of mind, the ability to bring out my creative spirit and paint again and spend time writing under the milkwood tree - can become a reality, as I know it will.

So I'm knuckling down with a determination I haven't felt in a good few years, confident that my dreams will come true after all!

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