Wednesday 5 March 2014

A bevy of baboons

It's official. The baboons are back in town. They started innocently enough with a few domestic raids on kitchens, snatching bananas, muffins and other delectables. It was Moms and Dads and scores of kids - it's been a good season for breeding, it seems. And then they moved on to the industrial sector, where a dozen bins from the restaurant were flipped over and ransacked - so much for baboon-proof lids! The person who designed those has apparently never seen a baboon. If he had, he would know that they are mostly far more intelligent than the average human, with the ability to watch and learn, and also to think it out for themselves.
I know people who can't work out the mechanism! But baboons know that you just knock the bins over and the locks pop open as the flexible bins distort.

Today, Bobby and Jane pitched up at my place. They cavorted on the roof, a fine viewpoint for the surrounding territory. and having sussed out the lie of the land, made a beeline for the bin and spread the contents nicely over the garden. There wasn't much to eat, but like good bin-pickers, they opened every bag. I suppose I have to be grateful that the full bins were taken away by the dirty dozen early this morning, so the mess could have been far worse.

They scuttled back and forth from property to property, over the roof like a herd of elephants - the only indication that they were around, as nothing creeps more quietly than a baboon. It was particularly hot inside today and having to keep all the doors and windows closed made it unbearable.

The bin is now in the garage. HWCFA won't like that, I fear, so his only alternative is to build a bin cage. Now there's a plan...

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