Wednesday 27 February 2013

Another muttering

I had so many good ideas for blogs today, but unfortunately they all came to me while I was driving! These thoughts dissipate as fast as they arrive and it is impractical to try and pull off the road every ten minutes to write down a note. It has been suggested that I get a basic voice recorder so that I can just say a few words immediately to remind me later of my train of thought, and that is definitely the way to go. So many pearls of wisdom lost in the hum of tyres on tarmac! My phone has a voice recorder, but by the time I accessed it, scrolling up and down from screen to screen, I would be in a ditch somewhere and liable for prosecution for using my phone while driving, in the unlikely event of a traffic cop ever being where he needs to be. Which brings to mind...

As I drew up to a stop street today, I was unable to pull into the road as a woman was wandering across the road with a small child, in a roughly diagonal manner. She was talking on her phone and was apparently completely unaware that she was crossing a road! She was so engrossed in her conversation that she looked neither left nor right, didn't hold the child's hand, and was in fact wandering aimlessly in the general direction of the other side of the road. She did not acknowledge me as I pulled out of the stop street and drove behind her and her child who still had not quite made it to the pavement, and I was hard pressed not to blare the horn to give her such a fright that she would drop her phone down the storm drain. I doubt that she realised she was endangering her child's life. If one of our lunatic taxi drivers had been in the vicinity, they would have become another statistic in our inauspicious road accident records. It appears that it should also be illegal to talk on your phone while walking in the street. Apparently not all women can multitask.

The complete idiocy that we see on our roads these days makes me truly wonder whether the conspiracy theorists are not absolutely spot on when they tell us that we have been transformed into a race of robotic morons! She certainly fits the bill.

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