Wednesday 20 February 2013

A day of faux pas

What a day of laughter I have had today! It started off when I arrived at the town hall for my Tai Chi class. The whole parking area was full, as the venue had been double-booked despite everyone having paid for it, and in one hall the pension department was updating its records and in the other hall, the University of the Third Age was holding its monthly meeting. As I stood outside arranging a later meeting with my sister via my cellphone, I happened to say: "Is there something you are confused about?", and a man walking past me stopped and said, "Pardon?" He couldn't see that I was talking on the phone and we fell about laughing at the ridiculousness of it.

Our Tai Chi group was told to go to a room attached to the library, as there were only 9 of us, but when we got there, the room was full of bookshelves, tables and chairs. I don't know what they thought we were going to do in there, when we only require a large floor space. So we decided to all go down to Fish Hoek beach to enjoy a cup of coffee next to the sea on this beautiful day. Our teacher couldn't locate her car keys and we all hunted high and low, moving cupboards and looking among the books. I had my bag over my shoulder and my keys in my hand and suddenly I looked down at the keys and realised they weren't mine! They were hers! I have absolutely no recollection of ever picking them up. I can only think that they were next to my bag when I got ready to leave. Everyone made a great show of moving keys and cellphones far away from me when we got to the beach later, and I don't blame them!

We are a very diverse group and everyone has some fascinating contribution to make to the conversation and a very raucous and, for us, hilarious time was had under the palm trees. I hope the rest of the beachgoers enjoyed it.

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