Friday 30 March 2012

Not your everyday sight

Walking up the road to the local coffee shop for a mid-morning cappuccino and writing session, I passed the Titanic. Her stern pointed to the sky and she was poised to slip silently into the icy depths, her famous funnels disappearing from view.

In disbelief, I stepped back off the pavement to capture this tragedy on my cellphone. Only kidding. It was huge blow-up thingy (I can hardly call it a balloon, but the correct word escapes me). As I reeled with laughter and wondered at the passing cars whose drivers did not even notice it, I pondered what it might be doing there, filling the entire front garden of a suburban property. Was it an early tribute for the 100th anniversary of the disaster? Perhaps a relative had perished? Or survived? Whatever the reason, I just loved the sense of humour behind it and it kept me giggling for hours.

Passing again on the way home, there were shrieks of delight from the kids on the upper deck. It was a water slide. Brilliant!

Now what about a blow-up baboon for my roof...

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