Tuesday 6 August 2019

Windy with a chance of rain

Although it looked like a miserable morning for mountains, we were undeterred as we gathered at the beginning of the Elsie's Peak trail on the Glencairn side of the mountain. This was because nobody could see what was happening on the other side, with steady rain over Chapman's Peak and a shower heading down the Fish Hoek valley. Always one to look on the bright side, I checked the yr.no up-to-the-minute forecast and felt assured that we wouldn't be rained on. We all had rain gear anyway, so what would a little rain matter? After so many missed hikes, there was no turning back and we set off with cheerful chatter for higher climes. 
A few more flowers are making an early spring appearance and there were plentiful bright yellow moraea, lobostemon montanus and fruticosus, leucadendron salignum and leucospermum conocarpodendron (kreupelhout, tree pincushion) to enjoy along the way, with a special sighting of a single liparia parva. As for the rest, identification is a minefield of ignorance and the struggle will continue! (No need to be impressed by scientific names - my parents knew them all and tried to teach us as much as possible.)
The wind gusted as we reached the ridge, but the rain stayed away (still visible up the valley) as we crossed over to the Fish Hoek side, hoping for a glimpse of a whale or two, but they were nowhere in sight. A change of route saw us clambering up a steep cliff-side to ensure that we got some cardio exercise on this relatively short hike and at the top we were nearly blown away as the wind funnelled through the gully, adding a little invigoration to the hike. The last stretch up to the mast is covered in very low fynbos and swamp vegetation (testimony to the prevailing winds and a slight hollow that allows the winter rains to soak deep into the soil).
Coffee break at the mast offered welcome shelter from the wind although a slightly alarming outlook for rain. I was already wearing two drench coats so had no fear of getting wet, and as it turned out, the rain once again fell to the left and right and didn't quite reach us. Sunshine started to break through through the clouds as we meandered down the slope to the cars and ended a marvellous and miraculous morning on the mountain!

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